

Welcome to the Cicero Animal Clinic, P.C. Blog

adorable dog

First night home

First night home

By. Dr. Gayanna Gilbraith, DVM

Introducing a new dog to a household with pets already living there always presents its own challenges and worries. Will everyone get along? Will an older pet feel left out, or jealous of the new comer? We were about to find out!

Robyn was about to join a family with a 9 year old Cairn( Wendy) and a one year old rescue puppy (Copper). Both of the established dogs have had wonderful “meet and greet” experiences- with appropriate responses to another dog’s request for space or play time. With that knowledge, we felt comfortable setting the puppy “free” in a puppy proof room with the Wendy- and there were no problems. The puppy was confident and curious, and Wendy, although a bit hesitant, accepting.

Next we introduced the two puppies. They also had no problems accepting each other, but the older puppy did get a bit too exuberant- and their play time will remain closely supervised for some time to come!

After some play time, a snack, and successful use of her litter box (this puppy is litter box trained by her breeder- something I am really appreciating right now!), Robyn had her first evening alone in a crate. No puppy pile tonight!! As any new puppy owner can tell you, it is a bit heartbreaking at first, but within 10 minutes, she was snuggled down to sleep with her dragon companion.

So ends a very busy first day as Robyn joins the Gilbraith family in New York, after traveling from Minnesota!

Robyn’s First Training Class
Finally the day to pick up my puppy!

Compassionate Care for Your Furry Friends

Cicero Animal Clinic, P.C. offers pet wellness and vaccination, surgery and dentistry, chiropractic care, cold laser therapy, and more for dogs, cats, exotic pets, pocket pets, avians, and rabbits in Cicero, Brewerton, Clay, and North Syracuse, New York, and the surrounding areas.

Hours of Operation

Mon to Thur: 7am – 8pm
Fri: 7am – 5pm
Sat and Sun: Closed
*Closed Wednesday from 12-2pm.
View Our After Hours Emergency Care